Impact Analysis of the Mahakam Main Road Rehabilitation Development Project, Lumajang Regency – Regional Boundaries


  • Vava Roekhana Shufa
  • Laili Jazilatul Khusna
  • Eny Fatmawati


Rehabilitation Development Project, Impact Analysis, Mahakam Main Road


The Mahakam Main Road Rehabilitation Development Project in Lumajang Regency, with a focus on regional boundaries, has had a significant impact on various aspects. This study aims to analyze the project's impact on the environment, economy and social surroundings of the area. The research methods used include field surveys, data analysis, and interviews with relevant stakeholders. The analysis results show that this project has both positive and negative impacts, such as increasing accessibility, economic growth, but also the potential for social conflict and environmental change. In conclusion, there needs to be a good management strategy to maximize the positive benefits and minimize the negative impacts of this project.


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